
Type Style#

Typeface: Open Sans

Type Color#

Main text color: Charcoal

Muted text color: Charcoal lighter

Large screen#

Style nameWeightSize (px)Line height (px)Char spacing (px)Text transform
Display LargeSemibold (600)28320none
Display MediumRegular (400)26320none
Display SmallRegular (400)20280none
HeadingSemibold (600)16240none
SubheadingSemibold (600)12160uppercase
BodyRegular (400)14200none
CaptionRegular (400)12160none

Small screen#

Style nameWeightSize (px)Line height (px)Char spacing (px)Text transform
Display LargeSemibold (600)24280none
Display MediumRegular (400)21280none
Display SmallRegular (400)16240none
HeadingSemibold (600)17240none
SubheadingSemibold (600)13160uppercase
BodyRegular (400)15200none
CaptionRegular (400)13200none

Style usage#

Display large#

  • Use for page titles or top-level screen titles

Display medium#

  • Use for empty screen messaging

Display small#

  • Use for modal titles
  • Use for empty screen messaging


  • Use heading style to title the top-level section of a page. If there are more than one sections to a page, each section's title should use the heading style


  • TBD


Most frequenly used text style. Use the body style for:

  • Input lables and fields

  • Buttons

  • Tab labels

  • Information

  • Table headings


Use when content is compact and space is limited.

  • Breadcrumbs
  • Use on the second line in a table cell for secondary data

Emphasis styles#

Use the following styles for additional emphasis or de-emphases.


Muted can be used with any of the core text styles. De-emphasizes content and provides another layer of visual hierachy - especially with content using the same text style. Common uses:

  • Help text along with an input field


Bold should be used only with body style. Common uses:

  • Input labels
  • Highlight a word or phrase in the interface copy. Example use bodl in the following body text: "Are you sure you want to delete product iphone7? This action cannot be undone"


Style tokens

Last updated on by Paulo Andrade