Need Help?

Hub is jointly maintained by Webs Apps and Hub and a number of app teams.


Asking for Help#

  • Describe the behavior you observed and point out what exactly the issue is
  • Describe the steps it takes to reproduce the issue
  • Include full error messages from the browser console, terminal, or CI logs
  • Provide links to the relevant source code in GitHub
  • Once you've found a solution, contribute to the documentation to help yourself and others in the future


  1. Gather information about your issue

    • Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem in as many details as possible
    • Explain which behavior you expected to see instead and why
    • Include screenshots and links
    • Include how recently the issue started occuring
    • Include the environment you are in

    You can see the environment by looking at your browser's address bar and looking for the prefix after hub in the subdomain. If there is no suffix you are in production.

    Eg. is in the int environment

    • Include the name and version of the browsers affected
    • Include the user and company you are logged in
  2. Decide if your issue is with Hub or with a specific app within Hub as outlined below

App Support#

Most issues are with specific Hub apps

If you're going through a user flow on a page it is an issue with an app

  1. Determine the app name by looking at the browser's location bar

    Eg. is the UserManager app

  2. Find the app owner through BirdBrain

    Eg. Hydra owns UserManager

  3. Contact the app owner

If you are the app owner but need help supporting your app you can request work.

Hub Support#

If your issue is with authentication or the common shell, including the header or sidebar, this is an issue with Hub

  1. Post your issue in #hub-developers


You can also check our Runbook. On this page you will find real-time information about the ping endpoints to check if the Hub server is up on each enviroment.

Escalation Policy#

First, refer to the escalation path of individual apps (look for it in BirdBrain)

If the main Hub service is down (ie. you cannot even access ), get Support Involved and create a Zendesk Ticket. Support can then do the following for urgent matters:

Contact the team#

Contact us in the #hub-developers Slack channel

If the matter is urgent you can find the phone numbers of each member in the Azure Wiki Page

Last updated on by Garrett Smith