Quickstart Guide to Create a Sidebar Item


A sidebar category refers to the navigation group name and item refers to the page name.

Steps with a new branch#

  1. Open the Design System repository.
  2. On the Code tab at the top of the page, scroll down and select Sidebar file.
  3. Select the pen located on the upper right side of the file to edit this file .
  4. Go to the category or item you want to edit and add the item
  5. At the bottom of the file in the Commit changes dialog box write a short summary or name the commit appropriately.
  6. A branch name will be generated for you but you should rename to make sense for you and others.
  7. Go to Add a New File to a Page in Github - Step 3 to complete the steps for a new file.

Steps with a pre-existing branch#

  1. Open the Design System repository.
  2. Select the branch from the dropdown for which you wish to commit this change.
  3. On the Code tab at the top of the page, scroll down and select Sidebar file.
  4. Select the pen located on the upper right side of the file to edit this file .
  5. Go to the category or item you want to edit and add the item (you can copy & paste the line of code and change the name for the category or item)
  6. At the bottom of the file in the Commit changes dialog box write a short summary or name the commit appropriately.
  7. The branch you selected in step 2 will be generated for you.
  8. Click commit this change will now appear as a commit on your open PR.

Deleting a Pull Request#

Changing a File#

Last updated on by Paulo Andrade