dd007_Addresses are given in individual fields

Question: Should we provide individual fields for city, state/province, country and postal code or should we combine them into a multi-line text area?

Description of problem or additional context: github issue 215

List of options

  • Option 1: Separating the city and state input fields only when the data is necessary for business/user task completion. Otherwise, use the multi-line text area.
  • Option 2: Always using individual fields for city, state/province, country and postal code.

Benefits and drawbacks for both options are listed and discussed in github issue 215

Option 1

Separate address fields

Option 2

Single multi-line address field


Option 2: Provide individual input fields for each address data point. If address information isn't important to completing a business or user task, then we should reevaluate if we need to ask users for the data in the first place. If it's not needed, then we shouldn't include it in the UI, and if it is needed, then it should be broken down into each input field in order to validate and capture all data separately. This way iQmetrix can also utilize the data for any current/future needs.

Last updated on by Paulo Andrade